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Why I am excited about flow

by Ajayan Ramachandran, Senior Professional
- Institute for HR Professionals, Singapore | Associate Certified Coach(ICF)


More than decade ago, psychologist Daniel Goleman highlighted the importance of Emotional Intelligence (EI) in leadership. Over the years, EI, also known as EQ, has evolved into a must-have skill.


It’s no wonder. The rise of automation and digital platforms at work has also identified several areas in which humans still have the upper hand over machines. Smart machines will be able to identify problems and offer solutions, but it takes emotionally intelligent humans to spur a team of people. That emotional intelligence comes from having understanding, motivation, persuasive skills and empathy.


Researchers and hiring managers admit that employees with high EQ are more likely to stay calm under pressure, resolve conflict effectively, and respond to co-workers with empathy. 


In short, the emotional and social intelligence, resilience and motivation of their workforce will continue to be the top priorities for organisations in the coming decades. The challenge for organisations will be how and where to start.


There are already several psychometric tools in the market addressing some of these factors. However, flowprofiler® stands apart as it solely focusses on these three factors with meaningful dimensions for each factor. flowprofiler®’s analysis is categorised into four different zones with 18 observable behaviours (dimension) in total for performance on a day-to-day basis, and when someone is under pressure. 


As a seasoned and senior HR practitioner, what fascinates me most is that flowprofiler® makes it so easy for employees or leaders decide which dimension to focus their energies, depending on whether it is being overused or underused, or if it is in the flow zone or has a solid base to work on. The flowprofiler® assessment also generates reports to support specific needs such as development, coaching and job candidate assessments. 


The 18 dimensions are quite simple. This makes it easy for an employee to remember what aspects of their lives they need to pay attention to and what behaviours they need to change so that they can achieve optimal experience or optimal performance more regularly. Those who benefit from insights gained through their flowprofiler® family of assessments will likely be able to better sustain relationships and raise their personal effectiveness at the workplace.


I am quite confident that BeInClarity will bring this profiling technique to new heights with individuals and organisations in Asia.

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